Bengals 101
The Bengal was developed by mating domesticated cats to the Asian Leopard Cat, although today’s Bengals are typically bred only to other Bengals. The breed is active, curious and playful – not the best choice if you want a lap cat! They tend to be very talkative, and some enjoy water.
What we love about Bengals
Wild markings, loving cat
My pet’s health plannerSM
Nationwide can help you save on your Bengal's health care no matter what lifestage they’re in.

Did you know?
The markings of the Bengal resemble those of an ocelot, by design.
Good grooming, feline style
Most cats, especially the short-haired ones, are pretty easy to keep well-groomed. In fact, your cat will do most of the work for you. Since many cats enjoy the feeling of being brushed, consider it a bonding time, as well as a practice that will minimize shedding. The fur you catch on a brush won’t end up on the furniture! (Neglected grooming can also be a sign that your cat isn't well, so talk to your vet if your cat's coat is looking dull, unkempt, or matted.)
Consider keeping nail tips trimmed and brushing your cat’s teeth. Both procedures need to be gradually introduced with affection, patience and the yummiest of small treats, but they pay off in the long run for you both. Ask your veterinary healthcare team to demonstrate, or look up how-to videos by veterinary professionals online.
What's the best way to keep my cat happy indoors?
How can I keep my cat at a healthy weight?
Is it better to have more than one cat?
Dealing with instinctive behaviors
Bengal fun facts
Top girl names for Bengals
of Bengals are female
of Bengals are male
Top boy names for Bengals
Nationwide loves Bengals of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer
Best. Bengal insurance. Ever.SM
- Pet insurance premiums starting at $25/mo.
- Visit any licensed veterinarian, anywhere
- Cancel at any time, risk-free