Persians 101

The Persian is one of the oldest feline breeds. They are known for their lush, high-maintenance coats, sweet temperaments and, more recently, for a trend toward ever-flatter faces. Some breed registries recognize the color-pointed Himalayan as a variety of Persian, making them even more popular.

Nationwide Outline Icons Vibrant Blue Heart 24x24pxWhat we love about Persians

The fur-lovers delight

12 to 16 inches tall
8 to 12 lbs
12 to 18 years

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My pet’s health plannerSM

Mature adult Persian

7 years to 10 years

Risk level for common Persian conditions


Urinary bladder stones


Senior Persian

11+ years

Risk level for common Persian conditions



Kidney failure

Persian kitten

0 to 1 year

Risk level for common Persian conditions


Respiratory infection


Young adult Persian

2 years to 6 years

Risk level for common Persian conditions



Urinary bladder stones

Mature adult Persian

7 years to 10 years

Risk level for common Persian conditions


Urinary bladder stones


Senior Persian

11+ years

Risk level for common Persian conditions



Kidney failure

Persian kitten

0 to 1 year

Risk level for common Persian conditions


Respiratory infection


Young adult Persian

2 years to 6 years

Risk level for common Persian conditions



Urinary bladder stones

Nationwide can help you save on your Persian's health care no matter what lifestage they’re in.

Nationwide Outline

Did you know?

Some Persian fans advocate for a "traditional" face with a longer muzzle and less prominent eyes.

Good grooming, feline style

Cats with long fur can use a little more help than their other cats, especially if the fur is silky. Brush regularly, and check for mats behind the ears, around the neck and throughout the rear “pants.” Older cats may have more difficulty keeping up with grooming, and this can result in soiled fur and painful mats. (Neglected grooming can also be a sign that your cat isn't well, so talk to your vet if your cat's coat is looking dull, unkempt or matted.) If the situation gets out of control, don’t attempt to work the mats and mess out yourself – your cat will hate you for it. Instead, have an experienced cat groomer clip down the coat. For some very silky, long-haired coats, your cat may be more comfortable in a “lion cut," which leaves some floof around the head and neck and the tip of the tail.

Consider keeping nail tips trimmed and brushing your cat’s teeth. Both procedures need to be gradually introduced with affection, patience and the yummiest of small treats, but they pay off in the long run for you both. Ask your veterinary healthcare team to demonstrate, or look up how-to videos by veterinary professionals online.

Dealing with instinctive behaviors

Litter box rules

Litter box rules

There are a few basic rules when it comes to litter boxes:

  • No sharing: One box per cat, plus one more
  • Privacy please: Put each box in a quiet, private location
  • No fancy fillers: Most cats prefer an unscented clumping litter
  • Clean frequently: No one likes a dirty bathroom

Since inappropriate elimination (accidents outside the litter box) is often a symptom of a health problem in cats, it’s best to consult your veterinarian first, especially if the problem is new. They can advise on the next steps, including how to address non-medical reasons for the problem.

Scratch & Sniff

Scratch & Sniff

Scratching is necessary and satisfying for cats, so point their claws toward appropriate surfaces, using feline hormone spray and rubbing fresh catnip to encourage them. Entice them to shift away from furniture by:

  • Providing vertical and horizontal scratching choices
  • Offering a variety of materials, such as carpet, cardboard and rope
  • Putting tin foil or double-sided tape on surfaces you don't want them scratching
  • Trimming the tips of your cat’s nails regularly

Persian fun facts

Top girl names for Persians


of Persians are female


of Persians are male

Top boy names for Persians

Nationwide loves Persians of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer

Best. Persian insurance. Ever.SM

  • Pet insurance premiums starting at $25/mo.
  • Visit any licensed veterinarian, anywhere
  • Cancel at any time, risk-free