Sphynxes 101
The Sphynx is a cat like no other, a breed built on a genetic mutation that leaves these cats with little to no fur. To pet a Sphynx is to experience a touch like soft leather or velvet. They are active, talkative and friendly, and they appreciate – and need! – sweaters or heated beds to keep cozy.
What we love about Sphynxes
Can't blame shedding on this cat
My pet’s health plannerSM
Nationwide can help you save on your Sphynx's health care no matter what lifestage they’re in.

Did you know?
No hair on the cat doesn't mean no allergies for the owners, since skin flakes can also trigger allergic responses.
Good grooming, feline style
The Sphynx doesn't need a lot in the way of grooming. Some do have a little more fuzz than others, but not enough to comb or brush. Instead, keep an eye on their skin to make sure it's in good shape. Because the Sphynx doesn't have much protective fur, they need to be kept warm. Sweaters will help. Consider keeping nail tips trimmed and brushing your cat’s teeth. Both procedures need to be gradually introduced with affection, patience and the yummiest of small treats, but they pay off in the long run for you both. Ask your veterinary healthcare team to demonstrate, or look up how-to videos by veterinary professionals online.
What's the best way to keep my cat happy indoors?
How can I keep my cat at a healthy weight?
Is it better to have more than one cat?
Dealing with instinctive behaviors
Sphynx fun facts
Top girl names for Sphynxes
of Sphynxes are female
of Sphynxes are male
Top boy names for Sphynxes
Nationwide loves Sphynxs of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer
Best. Sphynx insurance. Ever.SM
- Pet insurance premiums starting at $25/mo.
- Visit any licensed veterinarian, anywhere
- Cancel at any time, risk-free