Bassets 101
Hound groupFew breeds are as instantly recognizable as the Basset Hound, known both for a heavy, low-slung body and long, velvety ears. This hound is no lightweight and is essentially a full-sized dog on short legs. Also full-sized is this dog's voice: A full-throated bay once used to alert hunters but now sounded as an alarm or a sign of this dog's playful nature. Bassets aren't as high-energy as other hounds, but they do enjoy getting out and exploring the world with their noses. Devoted to their families, these dogs can be selective when it comes to people they don't know.
What we love about Bassets
Sweet hound with a distinctive look and voice
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Bassets have appeared in numerous TV shows and movies and have been cartoon characters many times. Elvis Presley thought being "nothin' but a hound dog" was just fine, so he had several Bassets.
Basset Hound coat care and colors
Although Bassets have a short, smooth coat that's easy to care for, they do have special grooming needs because of their ears and wrinkles. All that droopy skin can trap moisture and debris, serving as a breeding ground for infections. Skin folds and ears should be checked and cleaned every week. Your veterinary healthcare team can recommend the best products to use. Bassets also tend to drool, so keep a towel handy.
How often should I bathe my Basset Hound?
Do Basset Hounds need haircuts?
How do I control my Basset Hound’s shedding?
Basset exercise & training
Basset fun facts
Top girl names for Bassets
of Bassets are female
of Bassets are male
Top boy names for Bassets
Nationwide loves Basset Hounds of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer
Other breeds like Bassets
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