Dalmatians 101


The lean, athletic build and graceful gait of the Dalmatian are lovely to see in action, which is the way the Dal prefers to be. A Dalmatian will never be a couch potato, although they won't mind sharing a rest with their people after a nice long run. A good fit for active families.

Nationwide Outline Icons Vibrant Blue Heart 24x24pxWhat we love about Dalmatians

Always ready for action

Energy level
Bark level
  • As needed
19 to 24 inches tall
11 to 13 years
45 to 70 lbs

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My pet’s health plannerSM

Mature adult Dalmatian

6 years to 9 years

Risk level for common Dalmatian conditions

Kidney failure

Urinary tract infection

Valvular heart disease

Senior Dalmatian

10+ years

Risk level for common Dalmatian conditions

Kidney failure

Valvular heart disease

Intervertebral disc disease

Dalmatian puppy

0 to 9 months

Risk level for common Dalmatian conditions

Urinary tract infection


Ear infection

Young adult Dalmatian

10 months to 5 years

Risk level for common Dalmatian conditions

Urinary bladder stones

Foreign body ingestion

Ear infection

Mature adult Dalmatian

6 years to 9 years

Risk level for common Dalmatian conditions

Kidney failure

Urinary tract infection

Valvular heart disease

Senior Dalmatian

10+ years

Risk level for common Dalmatian conditions

Kidney failure

Valvular heart disease

Intervertebral disc disease

Dalmatian puppy

0 to 9 months

Risk level for common Dalmatian conditions

Urinary tract infection


Ear infection

Young adult Dalmatian

10 months to 5 years

Risk level for common Dalmatian conditions

Urinary bladder stones

Foreign body ingestion

Ear infection

Dalmation image

Nationwide can help you save on your Dalmatian's health care no matter what lifestage they’re in.

Get your Dalmatian’s health information in a free report

Dalmation image

Dodie Smith's 1956 children's novel, "101 Dalmatians," which inspired several movies and TV series, was originally a series in Woman's Day magazine titled, "The Great Dog Robbery."

Dalmatian coat care and colors

Couldn't be easier: Regular brushing to remove loose fur and nail trims and baths as needed.

Dalmatian exercise & training

Exercise level

Exercise level

Not surprising for a breed developed to travel alongside a carriage, the Dalmatian needs a great deal of exercise.



The Dalmatian is bright and eager to please. Exercise (and lots of it!) is key to their being able to focus on the task at hand.

Dalmatian fun facts

Top girl names for Dalmatians


of Dalmatians are female


of Dalmatians are male

Top boy names for Dalmatians

Nationwide loves Dalmatians of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer

Other breeds like Dalmatians

Best. Dalmatian insurance. Ever.SM

  • Pet insurance premiums starting at $25/mo.
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