Poms 101
Toy groupFuzzy and fox-faced, the Pomeranian is an active little dog with a big personality. Devoted to their families, these dogs may be protective towards strangers.
Their thick, double coat needs regular, down-to-the skin combing and brushing to avoid matting. As with many double-coated breeds, they shed their downy undercoats twice a year. A trip to the groomer will speed up the “coat blowing” and minimize shedding.
What we love about Poms
Foxy, furry breed has spunk and smarts.
The Pomeranian is smart dog and a quick learner. Early manners training and socialization is helpful to keep the Pom from deciding that they, not their families, are in charge.
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Pomeranians were once favored by royalty, including Queen Victoria of England. Her Pomeranian named Marco had a special water bowl made of pure gold!
Pomeranian coat care and colors
The Pomeranian has a long overcoat and a downy undercoat. Combing down to the skin helps prevent the undercoat from matting into a solid pelt that must be shaved off. A heavy seasonal shedder, the Pom benefits from professional bathing and a “blowout” a couple of times a year to reduce flying fur. The Pomeranian comes in 18 recognized solid colors, although shades of brown from cream to dark chocolate are most commonly seen. Additionally, acclimating puppies to having their feet handled will make a lifetime of nail trims easier.
Do Pomeranians shed a lot?
How do I get my Pomeranian used to being brushed?
How often should I brush my Pomeranian?
Pom exercise & training
Pom fun facts
Top girl names for Poms
of Poms are female
of Poms are male
Top boy names for Poms
Nationwide loves Pomeranians of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer
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