Puggles 101
Crossbred groupThe Puggle is one of the few popular crossbreds that don't include a Poodle. They're a cross of a Beagle with a Pug. The result is a dog with a nose that's longer than a Pug's, which, the breed's creators say, should help resolve some of the health issues of the latter breed. Given the Beagle's influence on this pairing, it's no surprise that the Puggle typically has a more athletic body type.
What we love about Puggles
You can get lost in the eyes of a Beagle, and Puggles share their expression
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In 2019, Netflix premiered a series called "It's Bruno," starring a Puggle by the same name. The dog in the starring role was also named Bruno.
Puggle coat care and colors
The Puggle typically has a short, dense coat that can be maintained with regular brushing. Any skin folds also need regular attention: Check for redness or any odors and keep folds clean and dry. Pugs are notorious for fighting nail trims, so make sure your Puggle is acclimated to this necessary procedure from an early age.
How often should I bathe my Puggle?
Should I cut my Puggle’s hair?
What kind of coat does my Puggle have?
Puggle exercise & training
Puggle fun facts
Top girl names for Puggles
of Puggles are female
of Puggles are male
Top boy names for Puggles
Nationwide loves Puggles of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer
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